Quotes about Education


There are some things you lean best in calm, and some in storm.

Willa Cather

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Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.

Isaac Asimov


The history of philosophy is in large measure the history of very smart people making very tempting mistakes, and if you don`t know the history, you are doomed to making the same darn mistakes all over again.

Daniel Dennett

Education is that which remains if one has forgotten everything else he learned in school.

Albert Einstein


Instant feedback turns teaching moments into learning outcomes.

Edmund Bertschinger


We live in a society where people are uncomfortable with not knowing. Children aren`t taught to say "I don`t know," and honesty in this form is rarely modeled for them. They too often see adults avoiding questions and fabricating answers, out of either embarrassment or fear, and this comes at a price. When children are embarrassed by or afraid of the feeling of not knowing, they are preoccupied with escaping their discomfort, rather than being motivated to learn. This robs them of the joy of curiosity. Let`s celebrate the feelings of awe and wonder in our children, as the foundation for all learning. Let`s teach children to say "I don`t know" and help them understand the power behind it. Let`s talk to them about how it feels to not know something. And, finally, let`s be honest with children about the limits of our own knowledge.

Annaka Harris

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One of the most important gifts we can give our children is the confidence to say "I don`t know." It`s the foundation from which we begin our investigation of the world: asking questions, taking the necessary time to understand the answers, and searching for new answers when the ones we have in hand don`t seem to work. The feeling of not knowing is also the source of wonder and awe.

Annaka Harris


Some people get an education without going to college; the rest get it after they get out.

Mark Twain


You never really learn much from hearing yourself speak.

George Clooney

Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.

Ernest Dimnet


Education is the movement from darkness to light.

Allan Bloom


Education is learning what you didn`t even know you didn`t know.

Daniel J. Boorstin


A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

Henry Brooks Adams


The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them.


There was never a good knife made of bad steel.

Benjamin Franklin


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